Wake up, Sleepy Joe
Gotta pull yourself together
We need you wide awake
You gotta try, try to be better.

Don’t focus on the numbers
We don’t need more of the same
No whispering, be forceful
Please step up, step up your game.

Raise your voice, stay alert
Please don’t let us down
You’ve got to stand with dignity
When facing off this clown. 

Call him out, he’s a con
Straight up a womanizer
No respect for women’s rights 
We all know  that he’s a liar.

What happened on the stage last night?
You seemed off, not quite yourself
You seemed dazed and confused
Like you weren’t feeling well.

If you’re tired and need a break
If you lack the energy
Please recharge, toughen up
Replace those batteries. 


Image: Google Images. Boston Herald

Author: Patty Richardson

Writer: Film scripts, poetry, short stories and songs.

2 thoughts on “SLEEPY JOE”

    1. Yes, it’s sad! He is a good man, but like in the song, THE GAMBLER…
      “You gotta know when to fold em!” I can’t see him going another four years! 😢 I’m just praying that Trump doesn’t get elected! That would be disastrous!

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