via Daily Prompt: Partake


As a dedicated blogger
I am committed and steadfast
Loyal to using the prompt
As my literary task.

But selecting words like “partake”
Has me a little crazy
I am reluctant and annoyed
But, please don’t think I’m lazy.

I can make use of the word
I can turn phrases all around
I can rhyme them, I can use them
I can be somewhat profound.

Don’t mean to be an ingrate
Please know I really care
I wait patiently each day
To see what word is there.

Some days I feel inspired
I’m excited to partake
But, not so much today
This one’s a word I hate.


Image from Google Images: howtostartablogonline.net

Author: Patty Richardson

Writer: Film scripts, poetry, short stories and songs.

12 thoughts on “A DEDICATED BLOGGER”

  1. Thank you! I wish the prompts were more fun. They once did SPARKLE, as a word choice. I wrote my most favorite of all of my poems, from that prompt. I think I’ll repost it. I enjoy the challenge of the prompt words, but I don’t want to feel like we’re being stumped. I found “partake” to be a boring word and I struggled with finding a way to use the word, in my poetry. Maybe it’s just me! I don’t want to come across as a malcontent. Just sharing my thoughts!


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