Walked down to the beach
Watched the waves coming in
Sat there alone
Felt the sun on my skin.

A short sleeve shirt
Shorts and barefoot
Felt good to be there
I knew that it would.

It always helps
To ease my mind
The cool clean breeze
So refreshing each time.

The troubles of life
The ups and the downs
The worries, the heartache
The noise and the sounds.

I needed a break
From the pressure….demands
That plaque me each day
Those I don’t understand.

Day in and day out
I’m pushed  to the limit
In every direction
There is no end to it.

The deadlines, the targets
The goals and the greed
No matter the cost
No matter the need.

I can’t walk away
Can’t give up the quest
I can’t let it go
Though I  know, I should rest.


ImagefromGoogle Images:  vagabondism.com

Author: Patty Richardson

Writer: Film scripts, poetry, short stories and songs.

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